Friday, August 22, 2008

Pastor Mike Guglielmucci drops the baton..but what can we learn?

Pastor Mike Guglielmucci drops the baton..but what can we learn?,25197,24216087-5006787,00.html

This morning at BAM (breakfast/bible at McDonalds) we discussed the recent (very recent in fact!) controversy over Pastor Mike Guglielmucci across the Tasman. Read the above article if you're confused at this point. Bear in mind the article is told from one perspective. I've been thinking about this all day.. here are some thoughts, for what they are worth.
1. This again reminds us that leaders are just like the rest of us in that they stuff up, just often in more public ways. (as my mum said, it's not just the Catholic priests who do silly public things! she can say this as she's Catholic, lol) This does not excuse their behaviour especially since it appears in this case to be a habitual stuffing-up that has gone on for a while. But it does remind us of that faithful middle verse in the Bible, Psalm 118v8:"It is better to trust in the Lord, than to put confidence in man." We cannot expect such leaders to be faultless just because they lead and encourage us in our faith. They too are covered by grace.
2. Whatever reasons prompted Pastor Mike Guglielmucci to act in this way, we will never fully know. Many non Christians and even Christians may be put off church/faith/believers because of his actions, thinking how can we ever trust these crazy Christians? I think our relationships with non Christians will be put to the test again in this case (good, I need more stretching!) as they grapple with the issues and we come to them humbly saying that we don't have the answers to this one either. This need not put them off church, but rather it could reinforce how flawed we are, and how no one is perfect. (insert appropriate bible verse here, take your pick!)
3. Does this claim take away from the power of the song written by Pastor Mike Guglielmucci, Healer, where he claims God as his 'Healer'? No it doesn't. The bible is full of examples where God uses messed up people to communicate his love and redemption. Noah=naked drunk, Leah=ugly, Gideon=coward, Rahab=prostitute, David=murderer, Peter=denied Christ etc. Add my name to that list cause flip I get it wrong all the time, and can only cling onto God with all I have, as my healer, as all I need, as my portion, as more than enough! His motives may be skew but I believe that God will continue to speak to people through the song that Mike wrote.

I really hope and pray that Mike gets through this. I hope he gets some help, spends time with close family and friends who will support him even though they may feel betrayed. I hope people realise that even in such hurtful times we must forgive as we are forgiven. I hope that he can make it out the other side of this very public issue and be able to openly yet humbly say, 'Ok I stuffed up, but God is good.'
Because in spite of this God is good and God is still the ultimate Healer.


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